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Nominated for Mystery Blogger Awards! | The WOW

Updated: Oct 29, 2021

Today's a huge day for me. I have been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Awards! Well, for those who do not know about mystery blogger awards, it's a type of admiration that bloggers distribute to others by nominating them, asking some questions, thus creating a chain of bloggers. Thank you so muchh Gauri for nominating me! Here's a link to her blog-> Brighter Alleys. Do visit her blog, she really writes exciting and admirable stuff.

The Rules are-

1.) Display the award logo on your blog.

2.) Mention Okoto Enigma, the creator of the award.

3.) Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

4.) Answer 5 questions from the blogger who nominated you.

5.) Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.

6.) Share the link to your best post. 7.) Nominate 10 – 20 bloggers and notify them that they are nominated. 8.) Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice, including 1 weird or funny question. 9.) Continue the chain!!

The Logo-

3 things about myself-

  1. I am a 14-year-old teen, who got interested in blogging not much time ago, also in writing poetry (which I think are not up to the point.)

  2. I love reading books (Mainly of self-help and fantasy genre)

  3. I like taking motivation and inspiration from others, and my greatest mentor is Warren Buffett.

My Best Posts-

Now let's move on to the five questions which Gauri asked me-

1. What would you prefer: Eating at a restaurant or Ordering at home?

I think I would prefer to order at home. Since it is the time of the pandemic, I would not like to go out of my home. Even generally, I would like to order, as I will be resting and will not have any work left to do 😜

2. The most unique cartoon character (according to you) is ____________.

Though I do not watch cartoons much, I think that would be Dhokla from the serial Simple Samosa (Please don't take me wrong, I really don't watch serials like that 😳)

3. What's the reason for choosing the title of your blog it's having now?

Firstly my blog's name was Tanuj Rathi Writings, but that sounded a bit queer to me, and I thought that words are to wonder, (Also, I would get a short-form The WOW for my blog) so I named it Words of Wonder.

4. If given a chance to explore one planet or satellite of the Solar System, which one would you choose and why?

There are many traces of life and aliens on Mars, so I would definitely like to go and visit Mars and make relationships with aliens (I know, that's too much)

5. Time for the weird question! Would you prefer an encounter with a live mummy or visit a house full of creepy dolls? Why?

Oh my God! That's a tough question. I use to get afraid a lot 😳, so I think a live mummy would be less scary than a house full of haunted dolls.

Bloggers whom I have nominated-

My questions are-

1. What made you enter into the world of blogging?

2. What would you prefer: Reading Books or watching T.V?

3. List any three books which you disliked the most.

4. Dance or Singing?

5. The Wierd One- Would you like to sleep in a pit of cockroaches or let a snake be stick to you for an hour?

Thank you all for reading this blog. Thanks again Gauri for nominating me for this Mystery Blogger Award. If you like this blog, do share it more and more. Subscribe and login to my blog to get notification for every blog I upload.


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  • Can I suggest topics or ask you questions directly?
    Of course! I will be more than glad if you do that. Mention the topics you want to read about in the comments, and I will definitely view them. If you have any suggestions, feel free to notify me.
  • How often do you update the blog?
    Sorry, I do not have a definite answer for that. I write when I want to write, when I feel to write, and yes, when I have time. Feel free to tell me what topics do you want to read about, I will definitely try to write about it!
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