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Juvenility | The WOW

At birth, I was pristine;

alien, blind, unknown to the world.

During toddlerhood, I became observant;

innocent, conscious, and concerned.

As I turned preteen, I got ardent;

sincere, subtle, sensitive.

But now I am lost;

feeble and undestined.


©2021 by Wix

  • Can I suggest topics or ask you questions directly?
    Of course! I will be more than glad if you do that. Mention the topics you want to read about in the comments, and I will definitely view them. If you have any suggestions, feel free to notify me.
  • How often do you update the blog?
    Sorry, I do not have a definite answer for that. I write when I want to write, when I feel to write, and yes, when I have time. Feel free to tell me what topics do you want to read about, I will definitely try to write about it!
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