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Is education the gravity of the Human's envy? Why is it significant? | The WOW

Updated: Apr 10, 2021

Education is the basic and the most impertinent need for life. Not only for grades but to prove yourself astute. To be uneducated will make you a jest, vulgar and an ill-treated person on the sight of the world. On the other hand, to be forwarded in this field will make you nexus to the country's vision. Apart from the predominant occupations like an engineer, a doctor, a lawyer or a CA, it plays an extensive role in every profession, to influence people and mark your elegance. "Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself" was once said by the great philosopher John Dewey. The ones who got educated triumphed, and the ones who took it timidly flunked to achieve what they desired.

Through education, you gain confidence, adroit and valour to adept your aim. Not in a field, you could succeed if one lack's in the race of education. You require a thumping effort to acquire a superior education. Learning is the main element for it. Observe every single activity that surrounds you. An education of extensive amount can be gained by reading. Books provide an education far beyond than the reach of any other source on Earth. "You shall read a minimum of at least 500 pages" was once said by Warren Buffet, who himself exceeds a reading of a thousand pages, and is one of the wealthiest businessmen of the world.

Education is everywhere. You can obtain it from the tiniest object to the colossal on the Earth. Another way to scoop it is to watch movies. They grant us an extensive amount of knowledge. To deal with hurdles, to behave on countless occasions and to step in the right direction some examples. Education facilitates us with quality knowledge and demolishes the filthy reasoning of caste, colour, creed, religion and sex. It creates an indiscernible unity among people and an integration to federate the whole world. It is responsible for the advancement of technology, on which the world is dependent. The more education will spread in the country, the more it will decrease the complications like poverty, lack of resources and the increase in pollution, for The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.


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