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Importance of Green Revolution in India’s Economic Development

Updated: Oct 29, 2021

The word 'Green' has its own numerous meanings. Sometimes, it depicts its meaning of viridescence, and the other junctions symbolise its eloquent of freshness. It is not an ill thing to say that green is one of the most important colours, for health along with wealth.

Green Revolution was introduced to India in the mid-1960s. Its significance was to let the people of India know the extreme importance of the high yield of vegetation, which would not only aid them in one, but in umpteen situations. This revolution was one of the most necessary events in India, which were required to scarce the limitation of nourishment and lead to the growth of the nation's economy.

In the 1600s, India suffered extreme poverty and a food crisis. Many people were unemployed, and the crop yield was not enough to fill every single's stomach. To overcome the situation, the government had to find a way to produce more crops from the same land.

But India's government prevailed the country to undergo the circumstances of famine. In 1967, the nation's scientists found a way to produce more yield and termed the metamorphosis as The Green Revolution. They came up with new technologies and distinct approaches for the demolishment of the plight.

In this revolution, modern methods of farming were introduced to the farmers of India. They were encouraged to use advanced machinery and tools that would make their work much easier and faster. These affected the locality and the economy as well. If the production of goods would be faster, farmers would get more revenue with the people getting surplus food with the nation's economy growing.

Although the modern farming methods were much helpful, still the demand could not be satisfied. Scientists had to find a way which shall increase their yield at a higher rate, so they presented the country with a new invention, the HYV seeds. HYV seeds stand for High Yielding Variety Seeds. HYV seed was one of the most needful contributions to the field of farming.

The seed shows us the wit of the Indian scientists. This creation helped millions of the population and the country to develop the economy. HYV seeds were not regular seeds. These seeds are much different from the standard seeds, as they provide us with a much higher return than an ordinary seed. If a local farmer produces an amount of 1200 kgs of yield from the ordinary seeds, he could produce an average of 3400 kgs of the yield from the HYV seeds on the same piece of land at the same time. That is nearly thrice the yield he would get if he uses HYV seeds.

Green revolution commenced from the states of Haryana, Punjab and Western Uttar Pradesh. In these three states, it was tested and discovered to be much beneficial for the entire country. It took no time to be spread across the whole country and made the lion's share of the farmers get in with the revolution. The producers as well as the consumers were happy and satisfied with the supply of crops. There was adequate production in the field and was not likely to be a possibility of famine again. There was also a sudden rise in the nation's economy. But there were some demerits too.

With the use of HYV seeds, farmers were able to produce more from the same land. That burdens the soil to supply more, and thus the minerals from the Earth are drained by the seeds. This caused the ground to lose its fertility and become barren. According to several resources, extracting more from the same land will soon lead to the demolishment of the Earth. Then again, we would have less land and thus less productivity, leading to the deflation of the economy.

Since we know that we have to save our land from getting ruined, some measures shall have to be taken. We neither can let our land destroy nor can we terminate the action of the Green Revolution. So the only way left to us is to lessen the use of fertilizers and pesticides and cultivate in the amount only that we require so that we will not see the days of the destruction of our land. It is very well said by Nelson Mandela that Never, never, and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another. And so, it is.


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